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Found an injured or orphaned animal?

Injured? Bring it in. 

Signs of an injured or ill animal include...

*Being cold and still


*cat caught

*Having open wounds or fractured limbs

*An adult that is easily captured by hand

*Covered in flies or maggots 

Please call and  send a picture and text to (801)228-0831 

so we can confirm a time for drop off. 


Orphaned wildlife?

Call us before bringing in any suspected orphans (801)228-0831.


             Concerns about owls on the ground, fallen nests?                               

click here







Scroll down to see specific wildlife circumstances and

for tips on safely containing an animal



Tips for safely containing an animal

*Find a container with a lid that you can secure.

*Punch a hole in the lid.

*If it  it a small animal or bird and not a bat, drop a hand/kitchen towel over the animal, gently pick it up and place it in the box with the towel. Secure the lid.

*If it is a larger animal or bird, set the box or transport tub on its side next to the animal. Using a shovel gently nudge or slide the animal into the box. Secure the lid.

*If it is an animal that can cause you harm (raptors, herons, sandhill cranes, loons, fox, etc.) please call us and we will help you determine the best approach. (801)228-0831.

*Please do not offer any water of food to wildlife that is injured or orphaned. Giving an animal food or water before they have been examined by a wildlife rehabilitator can lead to the animal aspirating. Some injured animals are also starving or may have internal injuries that interfere with digesting food. 



*You can still call us as we are often in the clinic beyond our regular hours. Please also text your location and a photo of the animal. (801)228-0831

*Keep the animal in a secure container (kennel carrier, box with lid taped shut, etc.) with a towel pillowcase or old t-shirt to reduce slipping and stress. 

*Place the animal in a room that won't have human traffic (extra bedroom, guest bedroom, heated garage, etc.)

* If the animal is very young, cold, or wet, you can  place a heating pad on the floor, under half of the box/carrier and set it to low (no higher.) If you do not have a heating pad, you can place warm water in an empty water bottle. Make sure to place it under the towel/cloth that you have in the box. 

*Keep the lights off in the room. 

*Do not give any food or water. Animals may aspirate or may not be able to properly digest food. 

* Sometimes patients are too fragile from trauma to make it through the night. This occurs at our wildlife clinic also and it not your fault. You can at least find peace in the fact that you tried to help and the animal passed in a quiet, warm, and safe space. 





Hummingbird Mother feeding her babies


Hummingbirds are magical creatures and need highly specialized care if injured or orphaned. They rely on insects for protein and feeding them solely sugar water can inhibit their growth and healing. Do not feed hummingbirds sugar water or nectar for more than 24 hours. It will harm the bird and babies fed only nectar can develop deformities and die.  Mother hummingbirds spend only a few seconds feeding thier babies. They dart in and out of the nest every few minutes. If you find a nest, please do not disturb it unless you have seen a dead female hummingbird close by. If you have questions or concerns, please call us for guidance (801)228-0831
             How to care for a hummingbird until you can get it to a wildlife rehabilitator...

Adults: Have a beak longer than 3/4 of an inch and may have bright colors on their neck and head. They will have tail feathers unless they have been caught by a cat. Adults need to be brought in for care immediately. Please do not pet or caress the hummingbird as this causes extreme stress. They are not pets and although very curious, would not normally allow this interaction in the wild.  They can be placed in a container according to the direction listed above  and brought directly to the Hummingbird Hospital. You do not need to offer nectar or water and they need to arrive at the clinic within 4 hours. Please call us to let us know you are on your way. (801)228-0831


Our smallest hummingbird wildlife rehabilitation patient

Baby Hummingbirds (0-9 days old):  Baby Hummingbirds have no downy feathers and yellow straw-like strands down the middle of their back. Beak is yellow and progresses to black. Their eyes are closed and their bodies are black. They cannot regulate their body heat and depend on their mothers to keep them warm. If you find a baby hummingbird, DO NOT FEED AND GET HELP IMMEDIATELY! Try to keep the baby in the nest if possible. If the baby is still in the nest, transport the baby in the nest. The nest can be placed in a small container with a heat source such as a water bottle filled with warm water. If the baby has fallen out of the nest, look for a nest nearby and a distressed mother hummingbird flying by. All animals do much better being raised by their mothers so our first choice is to renest if possible. If no nest is seen, the baby hummingbird can be transported in a small margarine cup or container lined with tissue. Place this temporary nest in a container with a water bottle filled with warm water. Please call us to let us know you are bringing in a baby hummingbird. (801)228-0831

Our hummingbird patient growing pin feathers
a baby hummingbird found on the ground in Utah

Nestling Hummingbirds (10-15 days): Baby hummingbirds develop pin feathers (that look like little porcupine quills) at approximately 10 days of age. You will often see two little beaks poking  out  of the side of the nest. Mom will stop sitting on the babies at this age and will fly in to feed the babies. She will feed them for 3-5 second 4-6 times per hour and it is so quick that she can be missed. Nestling Hummingbirds are silent in the nest to avoid predators. If they are crying or peeping for more than 10 minutes they are in trouble. If they have fallen out of the nest, gently pick them up, take a quick look for injuries, and place them back into the nest. Please be sure to check the nest for ants or insects that may have been bothering them.  You can always send us a picture by text if you are unsure. (801)228-0831. If you have doubts about abandonment, watch the nest continuously for one hour for the return of the mother. 

Pre-fledlging/ Fledglings (16-22 days): Pre-fledglings are fully feathered, have short tail feathers and a beak less that 1/2 inch long. They are most often found on the ground. If you know where the nest is, put them back.  Fledgling birds are fully feathered and learning to fly. They are also found on the ground or sometimes on a bush. The mother hummingbird will follow them around and feed for about a week as they practice flight and hop around. Please do not kidnap these birds! If they are not in a safe place, please move them to a nearby bush or tree and mom will continue to feed them. 

3 hummingbird patients learning to fly

Pre-fledgling on the left with two fledglings in care at the Hummingbird Hospital 


Never handle a bat bare-handed. While only 1% of bats carry rabies, any bats handled without gloves will have to be euthanized for testing.  Also keep all pets and children away from any bats on the ground. Please call us (801)228-0831 and we can advise you on whether or not a bat needs to come into care. Many bats will rest during the day on the side of trees or buildings. This is normal behavior. If you think you have an injured or orphaned bat, please call us immediately and send us a text with location and a picture. Bat World Sanctuary in Texas has a website filled with information about bats and has a section on what to do if you find a bat. Click on the link below to learn about bat behavior and what to do if you find a bat indoors or outdoors. Please do not hesitate to call us (801)228-0831 after hours with bat questions or concerns. 

baby bat.jpg

A bird flew into my window...

New research has shown that the impact of hitting a window causes Head Trauma and often Traumatic Brain Injuries. Birds may fly off as their adrenaline kicks in, but are often found days later with life threatening internal or external injures. We recommend all window strike birds come in for care. Please do not pet or caress birds that have been unconscious or injured from a window strike. Humans are predators to these birds and the interaction is terrifying for birds. Please contain the bird according to the section above.  Be sure to  call us (801)228-0831 to let us know that the bird will be coming in for care. 

I found a baby bird....

what to do if you find a baby bird

Please Call 
The Hummingbird Hospital at
for help!

Scroll up for tips on safely containing animals 

I found a duckling, gosling, or other baby water bird....

Please send a picture and text/ call our Wildlife Hotline at (801)228-0831.
We can provide better guidance once we have identified the species and developmental stage.  As with all wildlife, these species have a better chance of survival with their parents. 

I found an injured squirrel

Injured and orphaned squirrels are common patients that come into care. Click on the button below to learn about adult and baby squirrels.

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